YouTube Enhances User Experience with Redesigned 'Skip Ads' Button

  • Ethan Hall
  • Aug 25, 2023
  • 219
YouTube Enhances User Experience with Redesigned 'Skip Ads' Button

YouTube is reportedly introducing several design changes to enhance user experience across its platforms. The video streaming giant is testing a redesigned 'Skip Ads' button, which will be displayed during ad intervals for non-premium users. Additionally, YouTube is also introducing rounded corners for the video player, making it more visually appealing.

According to a report from SearchEngineLand, the new 'Skip Ads' button will be significantly smaller than the existing one. It will feature a curved border with smaller letters. Notably, in this revamped design, the word ‘ads’ is not capitalized. These changes are said to be rolled out gradually, with the aim of creating a more streamlined and user-friendly interface.

This isn't the first time that YouTube has taken steps to improve the user experience on its platform. The platform was earlier seen experimenting with anti-ad blocking measures for free users. The new design changes align with YouTube's updated look, which was unveiled last year.

The redesigned 'Skip Ads' button and the rounded corners for the video player are expected to be displayed across all platforms. However, the timeline for the complete rollout of these changes has not been specified yet. It will be interesting to see how these design tweaks will impact the user experience on YouTube, especially for non-premium users who frequently encounter ads during their streaming sessions.

We invite you to share your thoughts on these new changes. Do you think the redesigned 'Skip Ads' button and the rounded corners will improve your YouTube experience? Leave a comment below.

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